Friday, January 26, 2007

Thank Yous After A Funeral

[WORDS] Ninfa

Lemma: Ninfa
Hyphenation / Phonetics: [ nin-ago ]
Etymology: From Latin nympha (m) , Greek nymphì , "wife, girlfriend"
Definition: feminine noun
1 - In Greek and Roman mythology, each of the minor goddesses who inhabit the forests, mountains and waters.
2 - (Literal Extension) very beautiful and charming young woman. With default antifrastico, whore, prostitute. Diminutive nymphet.
3 - (Zoology) in insects with complete metamorphosis, stage of development intermediate between the larva and adult. Pupa, chrysalis.
4 - (Anatomy) each of the labia of the vulva.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Women Gets Molest In Train

[PAINTING] Hylas and the Nymphs

John William Waterhouse Hylas and the Nymphs

1896 Oil on canvas 34 x 64 cm

Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester