For now, take it as just a rumor, but the site Go Fanboy has revealed that it is developing a new Valkyrie Profile . At present the only confirmed platform is the Xbox 360 ... but there is no doubt that the game will also be released on PS3, especially since the series (and its fanbase) is traditionally linked to the PlayStation brand. There is still given to whether the game will be multiplatform from the start, as the recent Resonance of Fate (by the same authors of Valkyrie Profile), or if the PS3 version will be launched after some time (and possibly with extra content) as did Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean , Eternal Sonata and other securities. All we know is that Valkyrie Profile 3 should be officially presented with a trailer at the Microsoft E3 conference, scheduled for June 14.
(Comment from a boxaro the news: "Who cares?" I never even heard valkyrye of warrior or wtf it's called. Bigger news - Gears of War 3 !!!!!!" )
grows while waiting for The Last Story, the new work by Mistwalker: details on the game are as yet scarce and fragmented, but on official website you can see some of the most beautiful artwork ever, accompanati of two damn fascinating music tracks. This masterpiece is potential for the team Sakaguchi a perfect opportunity for redemption after a disappointing Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon for Xbox 360.
The news most succulent of all, however, came only a few weeks ago and is the beginning confirmation work on Person 5 (a title which, if it is as beautiful as the previous two chapters, split brutally ass all the RPGs released so far this generation). The good news was given by the manufacturer Katsura Hasina to Japan's Dengeki PlayStation magazine, but do not yet know if the target platform will be the PS3, the PSP or even PS2.
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