will be the arrival of spring, but some of the most famous Japanese video game guru are releasing statements which in turn would call at least courageous.
Hideo Kojima, for example, tells us that he thinks consoles are a step away dall'estinguersi: in the near future games will be accessible anywhere and anytime. It is unclear whether this will happen through the success of pilot projects as OnLive, if the portable console will reach sufficient power to render superfluous counterparts housewives, or if games will simply be converted into particles and released into the air. Conservative replication of the President of SCEJ: "I have great respect for Kojima and his bullshit, but hopefully looking forward to this idyllic future he will continue to work on our console because we need his game and their collections."
keeps feet on the ground instead Tomonobu Itagaki , whose only ambition is to enter of bullying in the history of video games with his next title and sell at least four million copies. If the company is or is not within the reach of a study that has pretty much just been born sixteen employees (including the cleaning lady), we'll find out only by living. If fail to achieve the goals it has set, Itagaki can always console himself with the thought that he has already accumulated four hundred hours of game Dragon Quest IX : after all, a record or the other. The forward-looking
Hironobu Sakaguchi , currently working on The Last Story for Wii (that swearing not be a copy of Final Fantasy , even if the name and logo would be quite the contrary), via Twitter lets you know that God of War III is "a good game, but has the flaw of having a too long introduction sequence. I just timed and last less than three minutes. Now I would like to make a game of chance and Sakaguchi to discover how long the intro ... but I think they already know the answer. More relaxed
Shigeru Miyamoto, who says he is "honored" to Sony and Microsoft are commonly cloning the revolution he launched the motion controller and promise to do my ass at Nintendo, thanks to a superior technology, and Suda 51 , which has already in mind No More Heroes 3 and compares the creative process to an explosion of diarrhea.
remains silent dignity Toshihiro Nagoshi, who prefers to talk about the numbers: its Yakuza 4 has caught a 38/40 on Famitsu and has sold some 400,000 copies in its first week. No wonder that Sega has already announced that they are working on Yakuza 5 (and here in Italy is available from a few days Yakuza 3, which I suggest you buy a sling, even if you do not know the series and even if you do not know English, the only language in which the game was subtitled).
However, none of these great land of the rising sun bears comparison with the western David Cage , who in a recent interview said he was convinced that the plot of Heavy Rain "has a certain consistency and well structured." But perhaps his was just a late April Fool's joke.
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